Can Erb’s Palsy Compensation Cover Non-Medical Expenses?

Some children suffering from Erb’s palsy due to medical negligence may not require invasive surgical treatment for their nerve damage, as nerves can eventually repair themselves in certain cases. While some people assume that families in this situation do not need compensation as they do not have to cover surgery and other treatment costs, there are other damages associated with this condition that can require compensation.

If your child developed Erb’s palsy after delivery because of a birth injury, your family may be legally entitled to pursue financial compensation for the full extent of your child’s injury costs. For more information regarding your rights and options as a parent of an injured child, contact the Erb’s palsy attorneys of the Driscoll Firm, today by calling (800) 900-7704.

Compensation for Different Disability Costs

Although the greatest financial burden a family may face with a disability like Erb’s palsy is expensive medical care, other costs can arise due to this condition. These injury costs may include the following:

  • Emotional damages
  • Lifelong disability due to stunted arm growth
  • Muscle atrophy in the affected arm

If a physician’s errors caused your child to sustain substantial nerve damage, there may be several hidden expenses even if your son or daughter does not require medical treatment.

Contact Us

The cost of Erb’s palsy can extend far beyond surgical treatment expenses. If your family has faced considerable hardship because of your child’s unexpected disability, there may be compensation available for these losses. To learn more about your options after your child’s injury, contact the Erb’s palsy lawyers of the Driscoll Firm, at (800) 900-7704 today.

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