What Is Dysarthria?

Speech and language problems are common among children who develop cerebral palsy. When a child’s condition causes damage to motor functions, the nerves used to move the speech organs may be affected. The resulting speech disability is known as dysarthria, which can dramatically affect how a child’s speech develops. Articulation problems can often be treated or lessened through significant speech therapy, but this can be a long, expensive process.

Signs of Dysarthria

A child with dysarthria may show several signs of unusual speech, which occurs when different speech organs don’t receive normal nerve signals due to a disability. For example, a child may not be able to fully control their vocal cords, lips, or tongue. In particular, this disability may affect the following parts of a child’s speech:

  • Tone
  • Pitch
  • Control of breathing
  • Volume
  • Quality of speech
  • Speed of speech

Dysarthria may be managed or improved through speech therapy. However, speech therapy, like other forms of therapy a child with cerebral palsy may need to address their disabilities, can prove too lengthy and costly a treatment option for a family to pursue. Depending on the circumstances of the child’s disability, there may be options available to fight for compensation for these costs.

Contact Us

If a doctor’s mistakes during birth have left your child with cerebral palsy, we may be able to help you pursue compensation for speech therapy expenses and other disability-related costs. For more information about your full range of options, contact an attorney from Driscoll Firm, today at (800) 900-7704.


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