A couple residing in Kansas has filed a cerebral palsy lawsuit against the hospital in which their son was born as well as against two physicians who were involved in his birth. The lawsuit states that hospital staff negligence directly led to the couple’s child developing cerebral palsy.
In March 2010, the expectant mother entered the hospital in order to deliver her son. The physicians attempted to induce the woman but failed, so they conducted two different vacuum extraction procedures in order to remove the child from his mother’s womb.
These two procedures failed, so the doctors instead decided to pursue an emergency cesarean section. During the c-section, the mother’s uterus ruptured. The child was believed to have suffered a seizure during this time and was delivered with several birth injuries as a result.
Shortly after being born, the infant developed spastic quadriplegia, which is a serious form of cerebral palsy, and his parents believe that the negligence of the hospital staff directly led to this condition.