The legal team for Noah Whitney’s estate, a boy who was born at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii in 2010 and now resides in Virginia, announced that they have reached a settlement with the military hospital who delivered the boy amounting to $9 million. According to the lawsuit, Whitney developed cerebral palsy due to the negligence of the hospital staff.
One of the family’s attorneys said the amount, which was put on record in a Honolulu court on Monday, January 27, is still pending approval from the United States Department of Justice. The attorney also stated that the family will be given $5 million in cash, while the remaining $4 million will be paid to the family for the remainder of Noah’s life.
The lawsuit alleged that the hospital staff failed to properly treat Whitney’s mother when delivering her by not properly addressing the signs of a uterine rupture and not completing a Cesarean.
Our attorneys at The Driscoll Firm help parents throughout the U.S. fight for the compensation they need when their child develops cerebral palsy as a result of a medical professional’s negligence. To explore your legal options in such a situation, talk with one of our attorneys by calling (800) 900-7704 today.