Cerebral Palsy treatment

Cerebral palsy (CP) is an umbrella term that refers to the inability to control muscle movements due to a complication in the brain. Although some believe cerebral palsy may have some autosomal patterns, the primary cause of CP is brain damage that occurs before and during birth. Unfortunately, several cases of brain damage-induced CP have been associated with the medical staff’s negligence to provide proper care before and during delivery.

There is still no cure for cerebral palsy, although several studies are in process. Additionally, different physical therapy techniques might be used to help children with cerebral palsy deal with symptoms of the condition. Devices such as casts, splints, and braces may all provide support and safety for individuals with CP.

If your child is suffering from this life-long medical condition because of a medical staff’s failure to properly provide care, a lawyer at the Driscoll Firm may help you consider the option of filing a medical malpractice case against the party responsible. Call us at (800) 900-7704 to discuss your situation.

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