Cerebral palsy is primarily characterized by abnormalities in muscle tone, movement and posture. These abnormalities, in turn, could affect the overall skeletal development of children with this condition.
There are various bone and joint deformities associated with cerebral palsy. For instance, too much muscle spasticity may leave the cartilage between the bones narrow, which results in tighter joint spaces. Increased muscle tension may also leave the shaft of the bones thin. Because of disparities in growth and movement, some bone structures may also grow unevenly. For instance, children with cerebral palsy might have a right leg evidently longer than their left. Decreased bone density can also be a result of poor nutrient intake due to difficulty in chewing or swallowing.
Unfortunately, cerebral palsy can sometimes be the result of a medical practitioner’s negligence before, during, or after delivery. If you believe your child’s life-long condition has been the result of another party’s inattention, a lawyer at the Driscoll Firm can help you determine your eligibility in seeking legal action. Call us at (800) 900-7704 today.